We believe our digital society – the ways we live and work together in the 21st century – should be just as important as our digital economy. That’s why we’re fighting for a fairer internet: one we can all understand and help shape for the future.

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Brigitte Bellan
The Chasing Grace Project

The Chasing Grace Project is a documentary series about women in tech. It includes six episodes, each focused on a different topic within the women in tech narrative. From the pay gap, online harassment and female entrepreneurship to access to the best jobs, the decision to leave or stay in tech and the role of male allies, the series illustrate how we pave the way forward. Through story we can call out the adversities women face and illustrate how they’re navigating their own paths. The result? A series of blueprints for other women to find their paths, their way.

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Brigitte Bellan
Code used in gender tropes in film (she Giggles, he Gallops)

The code used in the film analysis "She Giggles, He Gallops" is publicly available on GitHub. The data set for this analysis included 1,966 scripts for films released between 1929 and 2015; most are from 1990 and after. Each script was processed to extract only the screen directions, excluding dialogue from this analysis. We then identified all bigrams in these scripts that had either “he” or “she” as the first word in the bigram.

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TEXTIO Scoring Tool

Textio’s predictive engine is fueled by global hiring data. More than 10 million new job posts and their real-world outcomes are added every month. Textio analyzes this data to find the meaningful language patterns that cause some posts to succeed where others fail. Then it feeds that guidance back to users, creating a learning loop that gets smarter with every keystroke.

Textio offers a free scoring tool for companies :

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Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence (CFI)

Our mission at the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence (CFI) is to build a new interdisciplinary community of researchers, with strong links to technologists and the policy world, and a clear practical goal: to work together to ensure that we humans make the best of the opportunities of artificial intelligence as it develops over coming decades.

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Bechdel Movie Test

The Bechdel Test, sometimes called the Mo Movie Measure or Bechdel Rule is a simple test which names the following three criteria: (1) it has to have at least two women in it, who (2) who talk to each other, about (3) something besides a man. The test was popularized by Alison Bechdel's comic Dykes to Watch Out For, in a 1985 strip called The Rule. For a nice video introduction to the subject please check out The Bechdel Test for Women in Movies on

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Project Implicit is a non-profit organization and international collaboration between researchers who are interested in implicit social cognition - thoughts and feelings outside of conscious awareness and control. The goal of the organization is to educate the public about hidden biases and to provide a “virtual laboratory” for collecting data on the Internet.

2 tests are specifically relevant to gender: Gender Career Test and Gender Science Test


Go to :

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How Gender-Equal is your Country?

TEDWomen is a three-day conference about the power of women and girls to be creators and change-makers. The program of speakers, workshops, events — and daring discussions — has sparked some of TED's most iconic moments yet. 

TEDWomen brings together a global community of people interested in exploring how change begins: with innovative thinkers who catalyze ideas toward action. Over the past few years, TEDWomen and TEDxWomen have launched some powerful ideas into the world.

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Women who Code

To inspire women to excel in technology careers

"We envision a world where women are proportionally represented as technical leaders, executives, founders, VCs, board members, and software engineers".

Community of over  100,000 Women Who Code members who are career-aged tech professionals operating at each level of the industry.Training, mentorship, events.

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CognitionX is a Market Intelligence Platform that brings clarity to the complex and fast-paced world of All Things Artificial Intelligence. Our mission is to democratise access to the information and research on the products and resources required to build AI solutions. Daily newsletter, events, industry research and talent services. Great coverage of Women in AI. 

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